SolarGel – Carta de Colores

10,81 (PVP)

Carta de color completa de los esmaltes SolarGel, la línea de curado SIN lámpara de Kinetics. Esmaltes com acabado en gel de larga duración, hasta 10 días. Puedes hacerte la manicura tu misma en casa ya que no necesitas luz UV/LED. Para un acabado perfecto debes usa SolarGel Top Coat.

Elige entre una amplia gama de colores: desde el clásico hasta el de tendencia inspirados en los tonos de moda.


001 Beginnings
002 Bridal Dress
004 First Date
005 Stark Naked
006 Zephyr
007 Sweet Little Lies
021 Victory
025 Raspberry Beret
029 Enchanting Dream
030 Poet's Heart
031 Falling in Love
058 Delicate Lace
059 Rose Petal
066 Hot Spot
070 Pink Diamond
071 Summer Passion
073 Sweet smell of success
074 Unspoken love
075 Fallen Angel
076 Bonnie Red
077 Imperial
081 Traffic Jam
084 Sparkling Cutie
089 Purple Madness
101 Silver Fairy Dust
132 Morning on the Beach
141 Ambassador
153 Cashmere
154 Silk & Satin
156 Bon Paris
157 Rosebud
159 Fashion Blue
160 Demure
168 Petunia
174 Afterparty
175 Blackout
184 Mudness
186 Love Me, Love Me Not
188 Jet Black
189 Flowery
190 Pink Twice
192 Secret Garden
195 Pinky Winky
196 Electro Pink
198 Yellow Shock
199 Lumiere
200 Nude by Nude
203 Piano, Piano
204 Purse
205 Flirty
206 So Coral
207 Dress to Impress
208 Jazz Lips
210 Mulberry
212 All Night
220 Pink Silence
224 Signature Wine
225 Crazy Daizy
229 Naked Beige
234 Red Gown
251 Cat As Accessory
253 Graffiti Quick
256 Gangserina
257 City Queen
258 Urban Legend
259 Goldy
276 Never too late
277 Just married
280 French Lilac
281 Expensive Pink
294 Frost Yourself
301 Hug Me
302 Rich&Chick
303 Stardust
304 Glitter Storm
307 Spritz Apperol
308 Raspberry Mojito
313 Giselle
314 Pirouette
315 Prima
316 Lace Pointes
317 Grand Plie
318 Ballerina
319 Swan Lake
320 Fouette
328 Star Sapphire
331 King Of Red
332 Bossa Nova
333 Parrot In The Bar
334 Lost In Copacabana
335 One Night Girl
336 Dream High
341 Pearl Hunter
343 Power of Fire
344 Under a Spell
345 Iceland Grey
349 Met Gala
353 Vagabond Party
356 Rhino on the carpet
358 Give me better price
360 Grand Bazaar
361 Secret deal
362 Too hot to Believe
363 Rub the lamp
365 Shark in the pool
367 Why not my friend
368 It’s not my passport
370 Pink Drink
372 Kiss me not
373 Lost Soul
374 Wasted Beauty
375 Body Language
376 Ex`s
377 I`m not that kind
381 Ready, Set, Snow
382 Ice Breaker
383 Nothing But Love
384 Cold Days, Warm Hearts
385 Love in the Snow
386 Ice is Nice
389 Inner Peace
390 Skin to Skin
391 Pure Instinct
392 Nude Different
393 Ivory Night
394 Naked Truth
395 Highly Unlikely
396 So Much and More
397 No Regrets
399 Bad Color
401 Freedom
402 Raw Me Green
403 Restless Sleepers
404 More Lipstick
405 So Human
406 Almost Naked
407 Pretending Pink
408 Looking Strong
409 Berries on ice
410 Alluring Brown
411 Fragile
412 Kind of blue
413 Glitter for breakfast
415 Sparkling
417 Shh, I'm fabulous
418 Mirror-like Red
419 Extravaganza
420 Partyholic
421 Loading beige
422 Login failed
423 Unfollow pink
424 Color not found
425 Red Hashtag
426 No WiFi
427 Error 404
428 Reconnect
429 Hurricane Mode
430 Fly High
431 Flame Flame
432 Adrenaline Blush
435 Get Red Done
436 She fix
437 Mild flaws
438 Holy Smoke
439 Morning Mist
440 Serenne Doubts
441 Absolute Catch
442 Whisper
443 Tender memories
444 Faith Reflection
445 Unicorn Tears
446 No Marionette
447 It´s a mess
448 It´s a mess
449 A bit of a devil
450 Let's make a mistake
451 Rare Bliss
452 Whatever Blue
453 Unconditional Love
454 Beauty in DNA
455 Peach Rock
456 Synergy Match
457 Secret Weapon
458 Roots
459 Kindred
460 Bound Up
461 Electra
462 Raspberry Gin
463 Guiltless
464 Scarlet Letter
465 Bloody Red
466 Innocence
467 Blue Jeans
468 Not Today, Bobby
469 Dust Temple
470 Artsy-Fartsy
471 Baroque Essential
472 Sorrow Collector
473 Bon Vivant
474 Epicure Wine
475 Muse Affect
476 Renascent
477 Flawless
478 Skin Twin
479 Soulmate
480 It's a Match
481 Alarm
482 Tomato
483 Crimson Queen
484 Courage
493 Fresh Start
494 Often Soften
495 Pinnable
496 Recharged Blush
497 Savage Wink
498 Wild Fucsia
499 Unfreeze
500 Melt Down
501 Pathos
502 Balance Odds
503 Mindset
504 Blond Bond
505 K-Spirit
506 Correlation
507 Sangria Talks
508 Denim Gods
509 Affection
510 Depth of Tribe
511 Golden Hour
512 Umber Crave
513 HQ Bond
514 Ash Feels
515 Take me to Homme
516 My Glower
517 Romance of Nude
518 Succes in Rose
519 Influences Spices
520 Glamcore
521 Goal Digger
522 Rough Love
523 Veredict: Green
524 Piece of Cake
525 Lucid Fantasy
526 Spirit of Nude
527 Above the Bloom
528 Zestful Blush
529 Vivacity
530 Luminous Peace
531 Bubbly Cloud
532 Down to Earth
533 Fake News
534 Fortune
535 Highlighted
536 Essence of all
537 Magenta Vibes
538 Flashback
539 Top Magnet
540 Sublime
541 Ginger Hint
542 New Breath
543 Fade Jade
544 Soul Treat
545 Harmony
546 Cherry Ripe
547 Beat of Beet
548 Oak Soak
557 Sand Storm
558 Gold Finger
559 Time to Bond
560 Skyfall
561 Suit Up
562 Dark Boundaries
563 Spy Me
564 Poison Kiss
565 Soap Bubbles
566 Swirl Of Rosé
567 Naked Dune
568 The Best Zest
569 Rainbow Blink
570 Reverié
571 Verdant
572 Noble Feel
573 Authentic Nude
574 Appletini
575 Fine Line
576 Lush Blush
577 Latex Hit
578 Tribe
579 Diverse Sky
580 Black Hole
581 Fallen Birch
582 Apricot Dust
583 Sweet Bohemia
584 Allure
585 Ascendance
586 Midnight Velvet
587 Glimmer Slate
588 Age of Sage
589 Metaphor
590 Futuristic
591 Utopia
592 Human Nature
593 Conspiracy
594 Pioneer
595 Meta Mauve
596 Core Values
605 Euphoria
606 Origin
607 Sunburst